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Are You Taking Ownership Of Your Relationship?

Here’s a tip for a long lasting relationship.

My wife and I have known each other for 29 years and we have been married for 23 years and our relationship keeps getting better because of 3 simple rules that I follow:

1. I take 100% of the responsibility and expect 0% from her.

When I talk about responsibility, I don’t come from an area of who is right or who is wrong. I look at being the source of how I want the relationship to be and expect nothing.

In most cases, spouses always like to play a 50%-50% game saying that the other half must do 50% of the work in order for the relationship to continue.

The question is, do you want it to continue the way you want to, if you do, then take 100% responsibility.

2. Say what we want and not what we don’t want

We love our partners but there are times when we argue or fight, we will tend to say things that we don’t want.

I get that in a fit of anger we do that but we will always be conscious of it after the fight and do not let your ego be in a way of addressing the statement we made when we were fighting.

3. Say things as it is

We should say things as it is and do not let our partners second guess. We would sometimes say that why after all these years of being together, you still don’t understand us or know what we want.

Look, our partners are not our parasites and they are not within us to know or even can read our mind on what we want.

These 3 rules that I am following has been serving me well and if you truly would like to transform the relationship that you have with your partners or kids or any of your loved ones, do take 1 rule and implement it and see how it works out.

Looking forward to hear your sharing.


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